As companies keep generating more data related to operations, customers, and employees, the need to gain insights from it keeps increasing. However, the lack of accessibility and limited data availability around the world has resulted ...
Even the results of the computations performed on available data remain encrypted. The only entity that can decrypt the result of those computations is the private decryption key. Take a better look at how homomorphic ...
The pandemic is one of the main reasons businesses are now leveraging IoT to ensure sustainability in the long run. Many companies were smart enough to incorporate this technology way before the pandemic. We will ...
Artificial intelligence, while feared at times, is a technology that is revolutionizing nearly every industry that it interacts with. But as AI continues to improve at an incredible pace, it will need computers that can ...
Data is one of the main pillars of successful business operations in our modern society. Many new technologies have been erupting in recent years to help modern businesses make the best out of the data ...
Virtualization is the key to making cloud computing more economical, efficient, and scalable for users around the world. Here’s what you must know about the types of cloud computing virtualizations.
The cybersecurity world is once again vulnerable against the modern threats and dangers. Here’s how you can protect your business from the latest cybersecurity threats.
Internet of Things has introduced a vast array of software and hardware applications around the world with outstanding connectivity. However, some challenges limit IoT today.
Will hyperautomation be the next stage in manual task completions across industries? Check out the current challenges facing the hyperautomation industry.
Predictive models help businesses make informed decisions using statistical data to produce forecasts. Here’s how to maintain and improve predictive models.