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Learn About Cloud Computing Limitations of the Future

The IT Universe Writers

Before delivering digital services, you should anticipate the types of resources such as memory, CPU, and storage to create an optimal network connection. The standard options for network connections are local or cloud-based. Although the choice is completely yours, you should understand the benefits and limitations of both options. Understanding the pros and cons of cloud and local networks, you can evaluate the options and make a wise decision. Below you will find some future limitations of a cloud computing system for businesses.

Future Limitations of Cloud Computing

Here are some prominent limitations of cloud computing:

1. Downtime

Downtime is one of the biggest cons of cloud computing. Cloud computing is an internet-based program. That is why it has various limitations with speed. An outage of the slowdown can negatively influence your reputation in the market. For instance, Amazon Web Services suffered downtime in 2017 that cost them more than $150 million. However, Amazon is a huge chain of businesses, they recovered from losses. Therefore, if you can afford losses, you don’t have to worry about downtime.

2. Security and Privacy

Cloud service providers offer incredibly robust industry certifications and security standards to businesses. Therefore, many businesses store their critical data on the platform. Keep in mind these companies are always at open risk of cyberattack. Since all the sensitive data is on the internet, there are huge security and privacy risks.

Code Space an AWS EC2 console business was attacked by cybercriminals that lead to data deletion. With time, the company eventually shut down, and the major reason that started it all is unsecured cloud computing systems. Now you would think why service providers are offering maximum security when the cloud computing model is not secure. These companies evaluate the risk scenarios and tackle possible threats. But since the data is stored on the internet, security becomes a challenge.

3. Vulnerability to Cyberattack

Cloud computing keeps your critical data open to potential threats. Although your team should timely evaluate security measures and take actions to prevent a cyberattack, criminals can still breach security and take over the system. Since the cloud is a public service it becomes easier for cybercriminals to access critical data such as customers’ credit card details.

4. Limited control and Flexibility

Service providers monitor, manage and own cloud computing systems. However, a business can only access limited features and functionality. Since cloud users have limited control over their data, they are at huge risk of data theft. Therefore, it is essential to always choose reliable and trustworthy cloud computing service providers. Many cloud computing service providers offer end-user license agreement that limits customers from accessing complete data, services, and applications.


Many organizations use cloud computing system as it offers pay-per-use billing, scale, and agility to business. However, cloud computing system has numerous risk factors. Therefore, you should always evaluate the service providers and make an informed decision. Researching and planning before choosing a service provider is highly important.


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